Title of project : What are the impacts of greenhouse effect and global warming on the society (Research papers and comic strips )
Focus of project : To inculcate good values to human beings to save the Earth by, for example, not throwing litter on the floor through the products od comic strips and research papers
Guiding questions that we have selected
- What is the Greenhouse gas effect ?
- What are the impacts of Greenhouse effects on the society?
- What does the O-zone layer do?
- What are some of the products of Greenhouse gas effect?
Areas that our group will be researching on
- Global warming
- Greenhouse gas effects
- The inhibitory of global warming
- The O-zone layer
Our progress at the moment...
- We have decided on the people that are allocated to the different types of research
- We have decided to meet up in school after lessons to discuss the project
- We have completed on the questions for the project
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